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30 days in

SEA Teacher

I'm exchange student in project sea teacher 

i have go to banjarmasin for observe teaching, In the plan of project . The first week for observe , second week for assistance , third week for teaching and forth week for exchange culture. I have so many experience in banjarmasin , life style in daily life , food , activity , travel , education ,etc. I have a good time in banjarmasin. I have good friends, I think time in banjarmasin is my dream and everyone make me sweet dream.


I'm mathematics teacher. I observe by Lambung mangkurat university. I have teach in SMA Banjarmasin ,Grade 11.

I teach and observe in grade 11 , same like mathayom 5 in thailand , 4 days per week , 1 period equal 45 minutes. In monday , tuesday , wednesday , and thursday , i have to teach and observe. I remember teach around 9 time and many times to observe. I get up at 6.30 a.m., leave from dormitory around 7.10 a.m. .And come back around 3.00 p.m. everyday(go to school). I have teach in class SMA IPA 2,3,5 . I have mentor . he's name Muhammad Fathur Rahman ,But i call him bapak, He is first mentor of me.And my supervisor name's kamaliyah. Both so kind and so cute, give a good suggestion and experience to me .Student in school so cute make me happy . Always say "anyong hasayo" to me and " sawas de kub" .

ฉันก็คง - LABANOON
00:00 / 00:00
I have many friends.

Najwa , Desy , Faurina , Feny, Kiki(2 people same name), Dantisa Muriara , Nadira, Pla , Jane , bank , pang and others . Everyone make me happy in everyday at banjarmasin , make me laugh ,smile. 

Everyone always support me to translator , bring me to eat and  travel


Because of them make me happy in banjarmasin

I'm thankful everyone

I love them


See you again 

I will forever remember the story

Thanks for good time 


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14 January-12 February

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